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新竹美語補習班 英文托益 aerostatic中文意思是什麼

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    兒童美語學習網站 日常生活英語會話玩遊戲學英文 英語 app 全民英檢模擬試題toeic線上課程 英文教學網 臺中高中英文家教行情價英語對話教學 上班族進修課程 中高級英檢報名商用英文 補習 法文老師免費學習課程 免費線上英語西班牙文老師 英文提升tutorabc線上學英文 外籍英文家教鐘點費 多益 托福 雅思





adj. 形容詞 空氣靜力學的;航空術的;空中平衡的。

    學習英語 國小家教

  • Application of elastic variable - section pressure - equalizing groove in the structural design of high - stiffness aerostatic thrust bearing

  • Then this thesis apply iterative computation using fluent software, that means fluent is successfully used in the research of porous aerostatic bearing field for the first time

  • A russian hot air balloon flies over the golden crosses of the orthodox church during the annual international aerostatic championship at dmitrov, about 60 kilometers from moscow, 21 august 2004

  • Aerostatic bearings have been applied widely on the ultra - precision in the aviation, aerospace and the main axes and the slide of the precision measuring instrument and inertial measuring apparatus because of high rotation accuracy, calm operation, low friction and long life - span etc. they can also be used in fields range from both high and low temperature to both high and low velocity, sometime even to environment full of radioelement

  • The paper was based on load - bearing properties of elementary aerostatic bearing, predigested support and spindle structure of multi - support aerostatic motorized spindle, established finite - element analysis model, analyzed all kinds of structureal designs of shafting refer to ansys software, analyzed and compared load - bearing characteristics


    affliction, afflictive, aerial ropeway, affected, affluence, affluent

    aerosttutorabc線上學英文 學測英文作文atic中文意思是什麼
      英文脫口秀 線上學習系統 英語檢定考試聽英文網站 在職進修英文 商用英語對話高中英文家教行情 英文自學網 遊學的英文英文免費學習 myu 家教 初級英檢報名高雄高中英文家教老師 免費英文學習軟體新竹美語補習班 英文托益環遊世界 外語學習網初學英語 免費英文課 英語演講學英文 英文學習資源線上英文 比較 台北家教網 英語線上


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