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2008-05-14 13:41:35| 人氣988| 回應6 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Happiness is at your side

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Opera Presentation-維廉



Always look something you have, not you don’t have, is one

way to find happiness, or always think something good , not

something bad, is another way to own happiness. But the best

way of feeling happiness always around you is to appreciate it

and enjoy it in every moment of life.

Last Tuesday evening, I took my mother to a concert at Taipei

National University of the Arts. It was an opera presentation of

three graduation students. 維廉, my friend’s daughter was still

a junior student but had had more previous performing

experience in public, was invited to presented two songs. The

concert was held in a student practicing room which contented

two huge pianos on the front and seats were temporarily

occupied almost two of third of the room, some audience even

had to crowd on the two sides of the room. However, the

performers’ beautiful voices brought the audience to the end

in a satisfactory way.

On the way home, mom told me that there was a new viaduct

linked to Freeway 1. Luckily I found the new viaduct and there

was an indicator board of Freeway 1. I followed the road sign

and went up to Freeway 1. While I was pleased with what I had

done, I saw the other road sign towards to the south, which

meant we were on the opposite way home.


As usual, I screamed out “Oh, no.”.


“what is wrong?” Mom asked.


I said “Well, we are on the way to the south.”


“It doesn’t matter, it is too early to go to bed.” mom tried to

comfort me.


I knew how far it was to the next exit 五股/新莊 because I just

drove onto this way the day berfore.


“How come that sign didn’t show to north or south? What did

my tax paid for? ” I couldn’t stop complaining .


I was really upset, although I still concentrated on the road and

looked out for the signs back to the north.

Freeway 1 again. But, twenty minutes later, there was still no

exit to內湖.


I asked, “Mom, this is to the north, but where are we going to

the north?”


“Tell you the truth, I don’t know.” Mom answered.


Then I saw an exit sigh to 內湖, but it was down to the other

way. I realized I was on the branch upon Freeway 1.


“Are we going to night market of 基隆 to have a night meal?” I

made a joke to tease myself.


“Well, I think we will fine way out.” Mom smiled uncertainly.


Finally, there was a sign 汐止at the end of the branch. I asked a

street vendor for the correct direction to 內湖, and it tooked me

another half hour to go home.

Next day, I talked to mom.
“ We may think, we enjoyed the concert, and I also took you a

night scene of Taipei City .”


Mom laughed and said, “ Thank you very much.”


Readers must have sensed a certain tinge of irony in the

conversation between my mother and me. I stubbornly insisted

to make this story with happy ending due to the self-esteem

told me that I could lose time and money (a lot of gas) , but not


台長: fake fox
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