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2012-11-09 17:21:18| 人氣345| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Being a teacher: 天天有感動的工作

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大一下的時候, 有一位物理系的學長新詩比賽得獎, 他把我叫到社團教室的角落,拿出他在語教館摘到的四葉酢醬草貼製的卡片告訴我:「我的詩得獎了,我把其中的一句獻給你。」我欣喜顫抖接過那張卡片,上面寫著:「新鮮是腐爛的開始。」然後我醒了一大半。
今天早上睡睡醒醒到十一點才真正起床,喝了薑湯逼出了汗才減緩頭痛,到日文系開了一個小會,喝了廣島太郎老大的咖啡下樓,又喝了系友 Hayley 小姑娘送來的蔓越莓咖啡,神清氣爽,沒想到打開電腦就看到另一位系友 Katrina 寫的一首詩 "Literature Doll"------
What?! 專門獻給我!!!

It is extremely touching--intellectually and emotionally!!!

此刻完全醒來, 精神百倍!
<Literature Doll> By Katrina Huang
Everybody has a treasure box.
Everybody loves dolls.
I found and put them in the box.
In college life, I have four.

Brother Linguistics, Brother Translation,
Sister English Teaching, Sister Literature.
Poetry was who I beloved. That was her nickname.

Into society, I put her back to the box.
Dusty and rusty, I try to forget.
"You are not practical and no one knows you.
All the other dolls make money talk."

Not until today's class,
in my heart, I hear ticktock ticktock.
An activity A practice teacher brought,
Sheets of paper, flashes of words,
"midnight's glimmer, bee-loud glade..."

"Oh, my owner, where are you?"
Silence of the air, did the time stop?
Why I hear my poetry doll just cry?

Hurry up, I want to run.
Find a keyboard and take that down.
To my dearest, to my joy,
Now I know so much I miss you.
You are the one who makes me learn,
in the world, there's a word called,
Dear Prof. Yu-hui Huang

Every word, I just want to devote to you,
'cause you are the biggest dolls seller!
Happy we did meet you.
Lucky that once we could get
spice and beauty from the life!

台長: YV
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此分類上一篇:於是, 就這樣更懂得珍惜上學的機會

the biggest dolls seller,
2012-11-12 17:45:00
I am so glad to hear that!
2012-11-14 09:52:15
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