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1.       Although ancient tools were ____ preserved , enough have survived to allow us to demonstrate an occasionally interrupted but generally ____ progress through prehistory.

partially ... noticeable

superficially ... necessary

unwittingly ... documented

rarely ... continual

needlessly ... incessant


2.       In the machinelike world of classical physics , the human intellect appears ____ , since the mechanical nature of classical physics does not ____ creative reasoning , the very ability that had made the formulation of classical principles possible.

anomalous ... allow for

abstract ... speak to

anachronistic ... deny

enduring ... value

contradictory ... exclude



1.A       遞進關係


even , indeed ... , not only ... but also ...


3.       He was regarded by his followers , as something of ____ , not only because of his insistence on strict discipline , but also because of his ____ adherence to formal details.

a martinet ... rigid

an authority ... sporadic

a tyrant ... reluctant

a fraud ... conscientious

an acolyte ... maniacal


4.       Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions; indeed , we almost have a natural ____ doing so.

aptitude for

repugnance to

interest in

ignorance of

reaction after


5.       In the seventeenth century , direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as ____ , even as a sign of madness.







6.       Despite assorted effusions to the contrary , there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism , and , quite possibly , there may be something of a ____ between them.








1.A  對比關係


unlike , while , whereas , in contrast , on the contrary , far from , on the other hand , rather than , instead of , not ... but , more ... than;

paradoxically , ironically , puzzling , surprisingly , unexpectedly , curiously;

shift from ... to ... , oscillate between ... and ... , decay from ... to ... , reconcile ... with ... , replace ... with ... , distinguish from ... to ... , oscillate between ... and ...;

not so much ... as ...

either ... or ...


1.       In failing to see that the justice's pronouncement merely ____ previous decisions rather than actually establishing a precedent , the novice law clerk ____ the scope of the justice's judgment.

qualified(引用) ... overemphasized

注:precious decisions precedent 同義 , 空格與establishing反義


2.       It is puzzling to observe that Jones's novel has recently been criticized for its ____ structure , since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obvious ____ is its relentlessly rigid , indeed schematic , framework.

lack of ... flaw


3.       During the 1960's assessments of the family shifted remarkably , from general endorsement of it as a worthwhile , stable institution to widespread ____ it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose ____ was both imminent and welcome.

flight from ... restitution

fascination with ... corruption

rejection of ... vogue

censure of ... dissolution

relinquishment of ... ascent


4.       Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual , historians of the 1960's portrayed him as ____ thinker , eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.

an adventurous

a doctrinaire

an eclectic

a judicious

a cynical

a skeptical but enlightened intellectual 結構:表示intellectual同時具有skepticalenlightened的性質。並且強調後者 , 所以上題的空格應該與enlightened反義。

如果出現兩個用but連接的形容詞修飾一個名詞的情況 , 這兩個形容詞應該:轉折 , 不是對立的反義 , 通常爲褒貶轉折關係。


5.       The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of ____ for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to ____ its own continental coastline.

expediency ... defend


6.       Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776) is still worth reading , more to appreciate the current ____ of Smith's valid contributions to economics than to see those contributions as the ____ of present-day economics.

disregard ... outgrowths

reaffirmation ... concerns

relevance ... precursors

acceptance ... byproducts

importance ... vestiges

:上文的 the current ____ 應該與下文的 the ____ 反義。


7.       Considering how long she had yearned to see Italy , her first reaction was curiously ____ .







8.       No one is ____ about Stephens; he inspires either uncritical adulation or profound ____ in those who work for him.

neutral ... antipathy

infuriated ... aversion

worried ... anxiety

enthusiastic ... veneration

apprehensive ... consternation



9.       The wonder of De Quincey is that although opium dominated his life , it never ____ him; indeed , he turned its use to ____ when he published the story of its influence in the London Magazine.

overcame ... altruism

intimidated ... triumph

distressed ... pleasure

conquered ... gain

released ... necessity

注:turn to是表示對立面的轉折 , shift from ... to ... oscillate between ... and ... 相同。


10.   Wearing the latest fashions was exclusively the ____ of the wealthy until the 1850's , when mass production , aggressive entrepreneurs , and the availability of the sewing machine made them ____ the middle class.

aspiration ... disagreeable to

vexation ... superfluous for

bane ... profitable to

prerogative ... accessible to

obligation ... popular with


11.   Although a few delegates gave the opposition's suggestions a ____ response , most greeted the statement of a counterposition with ____ .

favorable ... approval

dispirited ... reluctance

surly ... resentment

halfhearted ... composure

vitriolic ... civility


12.   Unlike other creatures , who are shaped largely by their ____ environment , human beings are products of a culture accumulated over centuries , yet one that is constantly being ____ by massive infusions of new information from everywhere.

harsh ... unconfirmed

surrounding ... upheld

immediate ... transformed

natural ... mechanized

limited. superseded


13.   The ____ costumes of Renaissance Italy , with their gold and silver embroidery and figured brocades , were the antithesis of Spanish ____ , with its dark muted colors , plain short capes , and high collars edged with small ruffs.

striking ... obliqueness

extravagant ... profligacy

austere ... informality

unpretentious ... asceticism

sumptuous ... sobriety


14.   Although scientists claim that the seemingly ____ language of their reports is more precise than the figurative language of fiction , the language of science , like all language , is inherently ____ .

ornamental ... subtle

unidimensional ... unintelligible

symbolic ... complex

literal ... allusive

subjective ... metaphorical



15.   The paradoxical aspect of the myths about Demeter , when we consider the predominant image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess , is her ____ search for her daughter.







16.   Since 1813 reaction to Jane Austen's novels has oscillated between ____ and condescension; but in general later writers have esteemed her works more highly than did most of her literary ____

dismissal ... admirers

adoration ... contemporaries

disapproval ... readers

indifference ... followers

approbation ... precursors




correspondingly , in much the same way , similarly , just as ... .so

1.       Scholars' sense of the uniqueness of the central concept of "the state" at the time when political science became an academic field quite naturally led to striving for a correspondingly ____ mode of study.







2.       Exposure to low-intensity gamma radiation slows the rate of growth of the spoilage microorganisms in food in much the same way that the low heat used in pasteurization ____ the spoilage action of the microorganisms in milk.






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