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2009-03-31 02:49:11| 人氣139| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Dear Friends,

We did have a small reunion last night in Taipei. Bad news is we are all
middle-aged. Some of you folks I have not seen for 34 years since graduation!
 Good news is God is merciful that everyone looks fit and healthy. We shared
a lot of old timer stories and got a lot of kicks out of them. Luckily that
no wives attended that some notorious history could be digged out and shared
in those somewhat crazy days. We only drank 13% red wine and champagne.
Image what would happen if we switched to Brandy or 高梁? Especially許政成
, we need to keep his stuff as private and confidential.

The time is so short but great. I appreciated those who could attend last
night with very short notice. I am very glad that all of you are doing great
in your individual career. I do come to this end a few times a year. We
could do it more in the future. Our US folks could have some reunion, too.
It’s fun!

Many continuous success and health,


台長: 康樂近了﹗
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