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2008-08-16 16:28:37| 人氣74| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Something funny (轉載)

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昨天在 HK Magazine(註) 看到蔡瀾的專訪,內容頗有意思,文字亦佳,就選了幾句和大家分享。小弟翻譯功夫平平,不照譯了,只看大意寫兩句中文。勿插。
1. A happy life won't come to you easily. Without hard work from Monday to Saturday, Sunday would not be as beautiful.
2. I used to work in the movie industry. From my experience, beauty can only last when it comes with brains and a good sense of humor.
3. Marriage is the tomb for love. It's extremely monotonous and annoying for two people to stay together for decades.
4. Monogamy is a barbaric system. It was set up by people who have weaker genes to protect their own interests.
5. I got married because I didn't know what I was doing at the time. But a promise is a promise: I will hold it until the end.
為甚麼結婚? 因為當年不知道自己在做甚麼。
6. Money is a slave, not your master. It's all about how you use it. I would like to spend all my money before I die.
7. If I sensed that my time was about to end, I'd hold a big party and say goodbye to all my friends, then hide myself away. I have land in Chiang Mai.
自知將死,一定大搞 party 跟朋友說再見,然後避世隱居。

〔英文原文:June Ng, HK Magazine No. 742, August 1, 2008〕
HK Magazine 是一份免費英文雜誌。別嫌它廣告多多,它選材和文字皆優,而且設計美觀,閒時讀之,不失為打發時間和學習英文的好工具。下次經過 Starbucks 都拿一份吧。

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