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2012-02-28 09:48:12| 人氣903| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

(臉書) 王建民餵球大陣仗 教頭看完表樂觀

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王建民於周一(美國時間)春訓營裡投了一場餵球BP,由於最近消息不斷,這場BP也引來總經理Mike Rizzo, 總教練Davey Johnson, 投手教練Steve McCatty 與小聯盟投手指導員Spin Williams等人觀看,以下是Davey Johnson的說法:

"I look at his delivery and his delivery is free and easy," Johnson said of Wang. "As he went along, he got stronger and his velocity was better. That's his pace. He's a veteran pitcher and he knows what he needs to do to peak at the right time. Some younger guys, when they hit the mound, it's full-out. But the more veteran guys, it's 'I don't have to miss every bat here.' ... They know they're building arm strength, working on location, working on release points. Being 100 percent at that point's not part of their program. ... I don't judge the guys who slowly build where they want to be."

"Last year, I was worried from start to start there might be a flare-up or something," Johnson said. "It took him more to get loose and have a fluid delivery. Today, I heard comments - which is good - that his breaking ball was really good early and his fastball came later. Those are fine signs."


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