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2003-05-11 16:52:38| 人氣34| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A Real Punk Or Just A Cunt?

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He couldn't play his instrument, he couldn't sing, he was a mess; weedy, goofy, gullible, and psychopathic. Sid Vicious was perfect. Even Elvis failed us in the end but not Sid, He was nobody at seventeen, wordl famous at twenty, dead at twenty-one!

Nevermind that he couldn't play his bass, he can play three-chord.
Nevermind that he couldn't sing, he was not Johnny Rotten. Nevermind that he acted like a psycho, nevermind that he used his motorcyle chain to slash a journalist, he was Sid, always Vicious.

But if we trace back Sid's short life, he was not seemed what he may seem.

Long before Sid Vicious was nicknamed as Vicious, he was never Vicious. He was just an innocent street kid in London whom could play his watergun shooting the cats and play it for whole day long.

But when he became a Pistols, he got hooked with drugs, and the drugs killed him. He became Vicious, I supposed that wasn't his expectation. On the stage, he caught the audiences attention by his violent behaviour, off the stage, he was just a kid, feared of his audiences, he never looked at them.

I was told by a guy that Sid Vicious was an ugly cunt and he contributed nothing to Sex Pistols. This is wrong. Sid was criticised that he couldn't write or sing a song, but if you've listened to My Way (Sid's way), you'll think in another way. Sid sang like a drunk Frank Sinatra and he was confident in singing 'I did it my way...". What Sid gave to the band and the world is an ultimate image of punk. How to be a punk and what is punk.

Sid was not a great musician but that was not a punk needed to do. Sid was not a cunt or was famous by coincidence. Sid was an icon, an image, a legend in punk history. And his legend never ends.

He wasn't a cunt, he was a real punk.

台長: 飛鶯兒:::::☆
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