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2005-09-19 15:47:52| 人氣109| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Fall is here!!!

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Just like that - fall has arrived. We had a good time BBG the night before Moon Festival. As usual, Kiki had running stomach because she "walked" around everyone for food inspection! Luckily, it only last for a day and half or I would have to get nervous again. (2nd thought that may not be a bad way to get her lost some weight?! ^_^")

Got a new car - X-trail, made the whole back seat as one "play ground", hoping KIKI can stay there instead of stepping in the front seat with her "black" feet. Unfortunately, that’s not what she has in mind, so guess the passenger seat soon to be gray instead of creamy.... But I won’t give up, will try to actually put her favorite toys in the back to see if that would change her mind at all?! We shall see.....

台長: Kikimom
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