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2005-03-29 13:35:39| 人氣118| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My Love

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Funny to say that I'm getting more & more attached to Kiki, good thing is like wise. As long as it doesn't rain, I'll take her out walking around the neighborhood. Taking her out isn't such a pain anymore, she gets to walk on her own half of the trip, running back and forth, "saying hello" to friends on the street but "always" comes back to me (1% of the chance that she takes a long time to come back which freak me out all the time, have to admit that I get panic if I don't see her in my sight more than 10 sec.)

While Kiki now would look back to see where I am or slow down to wait for me a bit. That really cheers me up, too. Guess, time and age do make things different?! Hopefully, that includes our love to each other too!!!

台長: Kikimom
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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