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2005-10-30 20:57:06| 人氣32| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Constant Gardener

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一. 故事內容:


People say opposite attracts, but afterwards, if they can’t really understand each other, it also be the reason that things fall apart.

I can’t not really describe it into words, its just beautiful. When the scenes happended in Africa, its always vivid, colorful, but when it change to London, it became colorless and gloomy. This director not only use actors to tell stories, he also use color and music. He puts local Africa music in there, on the other side, he puts piano solo whenever the scenes change back to England. And the piano solo is the kind of cold and sad, instead of passionate.

四. The impact
It is definitely a sad movie, but with courage and love. The sadness is about how can powerful countries because of benefits, business interests and political reasons to oppress some third countries, like Africa.
And people always thinks there are too many people out there, who needs our help, but with our little power, nothing can be changed, so we refuse to give, but have you ever think about that, if everyone is having the same thought like that, no one is gonna getting help from anyone. However, as long as we can change our way of thinking, no matter how many people or things we cannot help or change, but there is always someone or something around you, which can be different with your little limited power. And that is good enough.

台長: Jade Jade
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